so for me growing up in the rug business something 
that has always impressed me is how experts like   my father can tell apart a rug in a matter of 
a split second for example I remember several   times we walk into a rug shop and immediately 
he looks across the shop sees a rug hanging on   the wall and he could tell of course not only if 
it's machine-made or hand-knotted it but he knows   where it comes from also how old it is and all 
this detailed information about it so would it   be cool if you had this superpower well at least 
when it comes to telling apart hand-knotted rugs   from machine-made rugs there are several easy 
tactics that we can learn to tell them apart Hi I'm Shawn with Catalina rug and in this 
video we're going to be going over several   different tactics that you can use to inspect a 
rug and be able to tell if it's hand-knotted or   machine made so that way you're going to be armed 
with this new power now in this video we're going   to be going over how to inspect the front of the 
rug as well as how to check the straightness of   the rug and how to look at the back of the rug 
both when it comes to feeling the material as   well as looking at the knots at how they appear 
and then make sure you stick around to the end   because we're going to be talking about how to 
inspect the fringes because they are one of the   biggest giveaways to be able to tell if a rug is 
machine made or hand-knotted so stick around and   all that it's coming up now so first let's go 
over the tactic of looking at the front of the   rug to be able to tell the difference now for rug 
experts this is the only tactic that usually they   need to use to immediately tell the difference 
but for a less trained eye I recommend looking   at first different images of hand-knotted rugs 
versus machine made rugs also checking out some   videos that way you can start to familiarize 
your eyes with the difference and either way   we're going to be talking about some specific 
things that you can look into inspect to be able   to tell the difference but definitely looking at 
images and doing that comparison looking at videos   is going to help train your eyes to start 
noticing what to look for so here are some   of the things to look out for with machine made 
rugs so the first thing is that the design and   the patterns with machine made rugs are going 
to look perfectly symmetrical and what I mean by   that is that if you look at The Medallion or the 
pieces around The Medallion or the corner pieces   or the borders everything in there is going to 
look exactly symmetrical and of course this is   because they're made with machines second thing 
to look out for is that the look and feel of the   rug and this is something that you'll need to 
train your eyes for as you start looking at the   comparison photos the look and feel of the rug 
is going to be a little bit fuzzy it's not going   to have the same Harmony and the sharpness 
as a hand-knotted rug and of course this is   because when a machine made rug is created it's 
not going to be able to handle all the nuances   of weaving the patterns and and the different 
color of wool into the rug as compared to a   expert rug weaver now when it comes to 
hand-knotted rugs you're going to notice   that the designs and the patterns are going to 
feel more harmonious but they are not going to   be perfectly symmetrical and especially depends 
on where the rugs come from so for example rugs   that are coming from tribal areas or Village areas 
they're not woven with an exact blueprint most of   these Weavers are going to use their memories 
to weave the rug and so as they're making the   rug it's not going to be perfectly symmetrical 
and there's going to be more imperfections so   for an untrained eye it'll be easier to be able 
to tell whether or not this rug is hand-knotted   or machine made now when it comes to hand-knotted 
rugs made in cities or workshops well for these   rugs it's going to be a little bit harder to tell 
because they are as close to perfect as humanly   possible and they're made by expert rug Weavers 
who are falling blueprints so they're going to   have really precise designs however they're still 
going to be subtle differences and you're going   to notice that they're not going to be perfectly 
symmetrical like they are in a machine made rug   so in any case no matter where the hand-knottred 
rugs are coming from whether it comes from a tribe   Village or a workshop there's going to be subtle 
cues that the rug is made by a human because even   when the rug Weaver is nodding the rugs onto the 
rug they're going to be using different kind of   pressure over time or they're going to beat down 
the rug with a different strength over time so   this is going to create subtle differences which 
is going to make the rug not perfectly symmetrical   however you'll notice that hand-knotted rugs are 
just going to have more Harmony and they're going   to have a better look and feel when you compare 
it to machine made rug but really the best way to   be able to train your eyes with these differences 
is to look at several different examples of the   comparison between hand-knotted and machine-made 
rug and just look at the look and feel of the rug   in these pictures and just familiarize your 
eyes with the difference so the second tactic   that we're going to use to tell the difference 
between hand-knotted rug or machine-made rug is   by checking the rug for straightness and we're 
going to do this by checking the four edges of   the rug and looking at the distances and what are 
the differences between these distances again this   is something that rug experts will be able to tell 
right away but in our case we could use a measure   tape and write down the differences so what 
you'll do is take a tape measure and measure the   top distance of the rug so this is the distance 
from the top edges of the rug with one corner to   another and then check the same distance in the 
bottom of the rug from one quarter to another   corner you could do the same thing in the middle 
of the rug and write down all these measurements   and of course when it comes to machine made rugs 
when you make these measurements and check the   differences between these distances you're going 
to find that they're almost always going to be   exactly the same and of course this is because 
they're made by machine so the machine is going   to create these rugs perfectly symmetrical and 
perfectly straight now of course when it comes to   hand-knotted rugs oftentimes when you make these 
measurements you're going to find that they're a   little bit different they could be a few inches 
apart and some of them much less and this really   depends on how the rug was was made so certain 
rugs are made with wooden looms and those type   of looms are known for Contracting expanding over 
time so this will kind of make some differences   in the straightness of the rug also another factor 
is if the rug is made with a wool foundation and a   wool is another thing that tends to contract and 
expand over time which can make the rug not as   straight so that's definitely obviously something 
that 10 other rugs are going to have they're not   going to be perfectly straight when you compare 
them to a machine made rug so next what we're   going to do is behave just like a rug expert 
so with rug experts when they start looking at   a rug from a distance if they can't tell all 
the information they start getting closer to   the rug and not only they start looking at the rug 
real closely but they will also flip the rug over   and they start looking at the back of the rug and 
that's exactly what we're going to do next we're   going to start focusing on the back of the rug 
how it feels and start inspecting what the back   should look like when we're trying to tell the 
difference between hand-knotted or machine made   so this next step requires you to actually inspect 
the rug in person and the reason is we're gonna   actually take the rug and flip it over and feel 
the back of the rug so with machine made rugs when   you take your fingers and you run them across the 
back or List It with your fingernails or the tip   of your fingers you're going to feel that the 
material is going to feel pretty stiff almost   like a plastic-like material and the reason for 
that is that machine made rugs are usually made   with synthetic materials like a polyester or 
polypropylene or nylon and so when you run your   fingers against the back you're going to feel this 
kind of more rigid stiff material now if you run   the same type of inspection with the hand-knotted 
rug you're going to feel that the back is going to   feel much softer compared to the machine-made 
rugs and that's because usually the material   you're feeling is either going to be cotton which 
is a lot of times a foundation or it could be wool   which a lot of time is a pile or it could even be 
silk or a combination of those materials so when   you run your fingers again sense that you're 
going to feel one of those materials which   are much softer than those synthetic materials 
and because the knots are coming through you're   basically feeling the back of the pile instead 
of the front of the pile but you're still feeling   that soft material if you're enjoying this video 
and want to learn more about hand-knotted Persian   or oriental rugs then I invite you to like And 
subscribe and definitely turn on your notification   Bell because we put out rug education videos just 
like this every week now next let's continue our   inspection of the back of the rug and look at the 
knots and the knot density and the appearance of   the back so that way we can tell the difference 
between machine-made or hand-knotted so while   we're looking at the back of the rug now we're 
going to be looking and inspecting it much closer   and looking at the knots and actual appearance 
of the back so with the machine made rugs what   you're going to notice is again everything is 
going to be more perfect and more symmetrical   and what if you look at it you're going to notice 
that everything is going to be really aligned and   it won't almost like a honeycomb structure another 
thing you'll notice is when you look at the actual   design and the pattern you won't really be able 
to see it from the back of the rug it's almost   like looking at a one-way mirror and same thing 
goes with the colors none of the pattern and the   colors are going to be very obvious by looking 
at the rug from the back when you're looking   at a machine-made rug now when you're inspecting 
the back of a hand-knotted rug as you can guess   by now the big difference is that it's not going 
to look as perfectly symmetrical compared to a   machine made rug and the biggest thing is that 
it's not going to really have that honeycomb   structure that you're going to see in a machine 
made rug you're more going to notice the patterns   the designs and all the colors of the rod when you 
look at the back and specifically when it comes to   these rugs you'll notice that when you look at the 
back you could pretty much make out with the front   of the rug is going to look like so it's almost as 
if they cut the pile of the rug really short and   when you're looking at the back of the rug you're 
pretty much seeing what the rug looks like but the   pile is super short that you can kind of Imagine 
it that way however when you look at a machine   made rug again you really can't make out what 
the front of the rug looks like so this is a big   difference to look out for when you're inspecting 
the back so finally we arrived at the tactic that   in my opinion is the biggest giveaway to be able 
to tell if a rug is machine-made or hand-knotted   and thus we're going to be looking at the actual 
fringes of the rug the very ends of the rug or   sometimes called the tassels now we're going to 
inspect these fringes closely to be able to tell   the difference so when it comes to inspecting the 
fringes of a machine made rug one of the things   to look out for is that certain machine made rugs 
don't even have fringes so if you look at the one   end of the rug at the other end of the rug you 
won't even find fringes on them that's just a   clear debt giveaway another thing you could look 
at is that these fringes are usually added to the   rug afterwards so fringes when it comes to machine 
made rugs are actually attached to the rug as part   of the process is one of the last processes before 
the rug is finished is by attaching the fringes to   the right but another thing you could look at is 
the actual material of the fringes again they're   usually going to be made with a polyester 
synthetic material or nylon material so you   could feel the material of the fringes and see if 
they feel like cotton wool or do they feel like   a synthetic material and then finally if you look 
at the fringes of machine made rugs you'll notice   that they're going to be again like with anything 
that's machine made they're going to look really   uniform in appearance everything is going to look 
really straight and uniform now when it comes to   the hand-knotted rugs the fringes are actually 
part of the foundation of the rug if you take   the rug and inspect it closely you'll notice that 
the fringes of the rug are completely connected   in the back so basically they're part of the core 
structure of the rug and when it comes to their   material they're going to be made with the same 
material as the foundation so either it's going to   be cotton sometimes they'll be wool or sometimes 
silk also you'll notice that they're not going to   be perfectly uniform so sometimes you're going 
to find that on one side The Fringe are going   to be a little bit longer than the other side for 
example and also sometimes they're decorated or   they're braided and especially when it comes to 
hand-knotted rugs that are coming from tribes and   Villages so that's a big difference that you'll be 
able to tell when you compare between hand-knotted   fringes and machine-made fringes so this concludes 
our video on how to tell the difference between a   machine-made rug or a hand-knotted rug I really 
hope that you're feeling empowered and the next   time you inspect the rug you can easily 
tell the difference and if you're looking   for beautiful hand-knotted Persian or oriental 
rugs then I invite you to check out our site we have an inventory of over 3 
000 rugs for you to select from also I invite you   to watch our video on how to spot an authentic 
Persian rug or binge on our playlist about the   different types of rugs please like subscribe and 
comment below and I'll see you in the next video

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